El Grand Central Terminal, que se conoce también como Terminal Grand Central o Grand Central Station, es realmente una estación que se encuentra en la Calle 42 y la Avenida Midtown Manhattan en la ciudad de Nueva York.
Hoteles cerca de Grand Central Terminal
A continuación te mostramos una recomendación de hoteles cercanos a Grand Central Terminal que nosotros hemos seleccionado basándonos en las opiniones de los usuarios:
120 East 39th Street, Murray Hill
144 East 40th Street
130 East 39th Street, Murray Hill, Nueva York
12 West 44th Street
234 East 46th Street
301 Park Avenue, Midtown East
50 East 50th Street
50 East 50th Street
50 East 50th Street
50 East 50th Street
59 West 44th Street
69 West 38th Street
109 West 45th Street
45 West 35th Street
147 West 43rd Street
63 West 35th Street
145 West 44th Street
25 West 51st Street
16 East 32nd Street
60 East 54th Street
1568 Broadway
131 Madison Avenue
206 West 41th Street
152 East 55th Street, Midtown East
1535 Broadway
714 Seventh Avenue
1567 Broadway, Nueva York
234 West 42nd Street,
429 Park Avenue South
29 East 29th Street
65 West 54th street
1335 Avenue of Americas
1335 Avenue of the Americas
33 West 55th Street
88 Madison Avenue,
234 West 48th Street
234 West 48th Street
15 West 56th Street, Nueva York,
12 Sylvan Terrace, Washington Heights
100 East 50th Street, Midtown East